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Larva, plural larvae, or larvas, stage in the improvement of many animals, occurring after birth or bring forth and before the grown-up structure is reached. These juvenile, dynamic structures are basically not the same as the grown-ups and are adjusted to an alternate situation.

In certain species the hatchling is free-living and the grown-up is a connected or nonmobile structure; in others the hatchling is oceanic and the grown-up lives ashore. In structures with nonmobile grown-ups, the versatile hatchling expands the geographic circulation of the species. Such hatchlings have very much evolved locomotor structures. A hatchling here and there capacities as a food finder—in numerous species the larval stage happens when food is plentiful—and has an all-around created nutritious framework. It stores food so the change to the grown-up stage can happen. Some hatchlings work in both scattering and nourishment.

The measure of time in the existence cycle spent in the larval stage fluctuates among species. Some have long larval periods, either bring forth early, transforming into grown-ups late, or both. A few life forms have a fleeting larval stage or no larvae at all.

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