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Eat well, move well and feel well: The recipe for quality life and longevity

5th International Conference on Nutrition, Food Science and Health Management & 7th World Summit on Virology, Microbiology & Infectious Disease
May 05, 2022 | Joint Webinar

Alfredo Luis Fort

University of North Carolina, USA

Keynote : J Food Technol Pres


Although the track is “Nutrition and Obesity”, in reality this presentation covers the wider range of how proper nutrition, physical activity, and good feeling will not only prevent the new global “pandemic” of overweight and obesity, but will prevent and reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes, cancer, addiction, suicide and other ailments increasingly affecting human beings in every corner of the world. The presentation will first present data and statistics from demography, epidemiology and social psychology for the last 50 years, presenting important advances in living standards around the world contributing to increased life expectancy and longevity (despite existing inequalities). However, at the same time, we are witnessing the appearance of conditions such as stress and conflict, addiction and suicide, sedentarism and sleeplessness, compulsive eating of excessive rations of sugary and highly processed drinks and foods that are counteracting and tugging negatively over such advances. Once these conditions and their devastating consequences are presented, the presenter will highlight how each of the three corners of the triangle: food, activity and feeling, properly and adequately addressed and managed, will impact positively in our lie. He will present a new paradigm: FIRM and WELL, made by Feeling Well, Ingesting Well, Resting Well and Moving Well, all of which will produce well – being and Long Life!


Alfredo Luis Fort is a Global Health physician, researcher and evaluator, specialized in, reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health, demography, population and gender equality, applied nutrition and early childhood development. He has conducted population and facility-based surveys and questionnaire design, project and program monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL), and evidence generation for policy decision-making in many low- and middle-income countries. He holds a medical degree, an MSc and a PhD, and has worked in WHO Geneva, UNFPA New York and is professor of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, lecturer at international universities, an adviser to WHO and peer reviewer of international journals where he has also published.

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