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Analysis of factors affecting sleep quality of night-shift-rotating Nurses

Joint Event on 27th International Conference on Nursing and Healthcare & International Conference on Nutraceuticals and Food Sciences
Nov 12-13, 2018 | Paris, France

Chun-Ru Lin, Cheng-Fang Chen, Yu-Yun Kung and Mei-Bih Chen

Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Food Sci Nutr


Shift-work often causes great potential harm to the health of nursing staff, with sleep affecting most often. The purpose of this study was to understand the sleep quality of nurses working in rotating shifts. A prospective cohort study was conducted. Collecting data with a structured questionnaire from a total of 320 night shifts nursing staff at a medical center by filled in a seven-day sleep diary, from April 2017 to June 2017. The results showed that nurses rotating night shifts only sleep 6.9 hours per day on average. Only 44% evening shift nurses had good sleep quality, was better than graveyard shift nurses, which was 38%. Overall, only 41% night-shift-rotating nurses has good sleep quality. In other words, more than half of the nightshift- rotating nurse’s sleep quality was not good. Among the factors affecting the sleep quality of nursing staff, there were significant differences between the nursing professional level and whether there were children in primary school. The chance of being disturbed by people during sleep was as high as 92.8%. The chance of being interfered with by “things” was as high as 81.3%. The probability of being disturbed by “noise” is as high as 93.4%, and the more the number of disturbances, the worse the quality of sleep. The above three have significant differences. Overall, shifts, reduced the quality of sleep for nursing staff. Bad sleep quality made nursing staff tired, increased work stress, and reduced quality of life. High work stress and low quality of life affect the performance of nurses in their work, Intent- tostay, and will affect their physical and mental health in the long term. How to improve the sleep quality of shift nurses is indeed an important issue, and it is worth further studying the effects of shift patterns on sleep quality.


Chun-Ru Lin has served clinically for more than 30 years, half of which is at the night-shiftrotating. In addition, use the in-service training to obtain a master’s degree. Has extensive expertise in emergency medicine, oncological care and community health care. At present, she is the head nurse of night shifts, to guard a pass for the standard of night shift and the safety of nurses and patients, and is concerned with and devotes herself to the sleep quality, work efficiency, health, and quality of life of the night-shift-rotating nurses. 


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