Journal of Food Technology and Preservation

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Ogori Akama Friday Author

Quality assessment of hydroponically stored watermelon and cucumber fruits.

Department of Home Science and Management, Federal University, Gashua, Nigeria


Federal university Gashua, faculty of agriculture department of home science and management pmb 1005, gashua yobe state.M .SC,food science & tech federal university of agriculture makurdi, benue state. B.Sc Hons. (food science and tech) federal university of agric makurdi, benue state. Food chemistry/Nutrition/Physiochemical and biochemical properties food,product development:Productionand modification of tailor made food ingredientsand Stability; physical properties of functionalingredientand their implications on food processing and micro-encapsulationof bio- actives. Food microbiology and safety: Microbial analysis, load and modelling microbial and pathogen growth to predict the safe shelf life of food, Prebiotic and probiotics stability

Subjects of specialization: Home Science ,Management

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