Journal of Food Technology and Preservation

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Commentary - Journal of Food Technology and Preservation (2023) Volume 7, Issue 1

Modern discoveries about food technology and preservation techniques and their executive methods.

Inulin is a water solvent capacity polysaccharide and has a place with a gathering of non-edible starches called fructans. Inulin has accomplished the GRAS status in USA and is widely accessible in around 36,000 types of plants, among, chicory roots are considered as the most extravagant wellspring of inulin. Normally, inulin is utilized as a prebiotic, fat replacer, sugar replacer, and surface modifier and for the improvement of utilitarian food varieties to further develop wellbeing because of its helpful job in gastric wellbeing. This survey gives a profound knowledge about its creation, physicochemical properties, job in battling different sorts of metabolic and diet related sicknesses and usage as a utilitarian fixing in original item improvement.

Author(s): Shoaib Julian*

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