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Total quality management includes a set of elements, which are as follows

10th International Conference on Food Science and Food Safety & 24th Global Biotechnology Congress

Asmaa Ibrahim Ahmed Hewedk

Zagazig University, Egypt

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Arch Ind Biotechnol


Focuses on ensuring that internal guidelines and standards in place minimize errors in the workflow. Considered a systematic approach to overall organizational management, the focus of the process is to improve the quality of an organization's output, including goods and services. TQM focuses on the continuous improvement of internal practices in the organization. Standards developed as part of a TQM approach can reflect both internal priorities and any industry standards currently in place. Industry standards can be defined at multiple levels and may include compliance with the various laws and regulations that govern the operation of a particular business. Industry standards can also include producing items to understandable standards, even if the standard is not supported by formal regulations.


Asmaa Ibrahim Ahmed Hewedk is a certificate of graduation from the Faculty of Agriculture in Mashtohur, Benha University and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Sciences, majoring in Food Science and also completed a certified quality engineer preparation course and currently studying Master of Food Industries in Department of Food Sciences at College of Agriculture in Zagazig University.

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