Archives of Industrial Biotechnology

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Articles in press and Articles in process

Perspective P.1-1

Revolutionizing industry: Advances in industrial biotechnology archives

Author(s): Steffen Pitzer*

DOI: 10.35841/aaaib-8.3.206

Full Text PDF

Perspective P.1-1

Catalyzing progress: Key insights from the archives of industrial biotechnology

Author(s): Chunji Zhang*

DOI: 10.35841/aaaib-8.3.207

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Perspective P.1-1

Biological engineering brilliance: Insights from industrial biotech archives

Author(s): Christine Radick*

DOI: 10.35841/aaaib-8.3.208

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Perspective P.1-1

Decoding the past: Archives reveal the pioneering era of industrial biotechnology

Author(s): Xiaodong Li*

DOI: 10.35841/aaaib-8.3.209

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Perspective P.1-1

Cultivating change: Perspectives from the archives of industrial biotech

Author(s): Matthew Coaldrake*

DOI: 10.35841/aaaib-8.3.300

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Perspective P.1-1

Beyond the bench: Tracing the impact of industrial biotechnologyâ??an archival approach

Author(s): David Boyer*

DOI: 10.35841/aaaib-8.3.301

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Perspective P.1-1

Biotech legacies: Lessons learned from the archives of industrial innovation

Author(s): Nichola Feldman*

DOI: 10.35841/aaaib-8.3.302

Full Text PDF

Commentary P.1-1

Bridging the generations: A tapestry of industrial biotechnology through archives

Author(s): Stephen Willson*

DOI: 10.35841/aaaib-8.3.303

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Perspective P.1-1

From microbes to markets: A retrospective in the archives of industrial biotechnology

Author(s): Thomas Wester*

DOI: 10.35841/aaaib-8.3.304

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Perspective P.1-1

Innovations in action: Exploring the archives of industrial biotechnology

Author(s): Rafael Chiarello*

DOI: 10.35841/aaaib-8.3.305

Full Text PDF

Mini Review P.1-3

Review on viral bioflims against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).

Author(s): Mennakshi Saravanan

Abstract PDF

Research Article P.1-5

Localization of City Park Using AHP in GIS, Case Study: District 8 Area of Isfahan, Isfahan Province, Iran.

Author(s): Kaveh Ostad-Ali-Askari*, Maede Dorvashi, Zahra Ghasemi, Saeid Eslamian, Vijay P. Singh and Nicolas R. Dalezios

Abstract Full Text PDF

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