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Perspective - Archives in Food and Nutrition (2023) Volume 6, Issue 1

Struggling to overcome obstacles in undertaking behavioural and dietary changes for type 2 diabetes prevention and control in Africa

Diabetes mellitus is a severe chronic ailment in Africa that necessitates lifelong lifestyle changes as well as pharmacological treatment. Diabetes self-management education and support, medical nutrition therapy, physical exercise, smoking cessation counselling, and psychological care are all key aspects of diabetes care. Hurdles to lifestyle modifications and solutions for overcoming them, dietary pattern adjustments for all type 2 diabetes patients, self-care behaviour of type 2 diabetic patients, the expense of diabetes in Africa, and hurdles to adherence to lifestyle and dietary changes in Africa, including solutions to overcome such barriers. Lifestyle measures such as regular physical activity, weight management, and adhering to health care providers' recommendations on a balanced diet are the bedrock of diabetes prevention and management in Africa

Author(s): Stanley Okoduwa

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