Journal of Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine

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Physical Therapy Journals List Open Access

Physical therapy or physiotherapy aims at providing relief to patients suffering from bone and joint ailments by promoting mobility. Interventions utilized in physiotherapy involve both physical and mechanical modalities along side physical exercises. By carefully following scientifically proven techniques during a scientific order, the physiotherapist improves the mobility of the organs in living with physical ailments like polio, paralysis, pre and post orthopedic surgeries and fractures. Physiotherapy as a science is additionally deals with research, education, consultation and administration
Physical therapy (PT), also referred to as physiotherapy, is one among the allied health professions that, by using evidence-based kinesiology, electrotherapy, shockwave modality, exercise prescription, joint mobilization and health education, treats conditions like chronic or acute pain, soft tissue injuries, cartilage damage, arthritis, gait disorders and physical impairments typically of musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, neurological and endocrinological origins. physiotherapy is employed to enhance a patient's physical functions through physical examination, diagnosis, prognosis, physical intervention, rehabilitation and patient education. it's practiced by physical therapists (known as physiotherapists in many countries).

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