Journal of Agricultural Science and Botany

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Scenario of Pest Management in Organic Farming

3rd International Conference on Plant Science and Agriculture
May 05-06, 2021 | Webinar

Sova Yadav, Lomash Kumar, Abaker M Malik, Sunidhi Pilania, ShwetaYadav and Jyoti Indora

Department of Entomology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Agric Sci Bot


Organic farming is gaining popularity worldwide among the farmers, entrepreneurs, policy makers, scientists and other stakeholders as it minimizes dependence on chemical inputs, thus safeguarding quality of natural resources and environment. In organic farming, insect pest poses a major challenge since genetically modified crops and synthetic pesticides are not permitted for use in organic production systems. Organic farming (OF) has significantly increased in importance in recent decades. Broad management of ecosystem through little modification in the cultural practices such as crop rotation, soil quality management through the addition of organic amendments constitute the preliminary defense against the attack of insect-pests and diseases followed by use of the curative methods like use of predators, parasitoids, plant products and ecologically safer chemicals forms the next line of defense against the insect pests. However, major pests could still be managed through manipulation of the agro ecosystem processes in advantage of the crops and disadvantage of pests. The limited number of active plant protection substances authorized for use in organic farming can provide support to natural and biological control agents in suppression of pests. Modern farming affects our world, by the way of land exhaustion, nitrate run off, and soil erosion, soil compaction, loss of cultivated biodiversity, habitat destruction, contaminated food and destruction of traditional knowledge systems and traditions. Thus, to overcome the ill effects of modern agriculture, can be delineated by adopting organic farming. This review highlights the principles and strategies of crop protection in organic farming, the cultural practices adopted, the active substances allowed for use to suppress pests, and the impacts on faunal and floral biodiversity. Keywords: Organic farming, Bio pesticides, Pest management, Argo ecosystems, Plant diversity.


Sova yadav has been awarded an undergraduate B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture scholarship by the Indian Embassy. This journey was full of knowledgeable and joyful in every aspect, those four years were the most important part of her life as she gained both theoretical and practical knowledge. I always have keen interest in organic farming which helped her to perform very well in many aspects. Not only she had focused in course theme, she also expanded her boundaries and worked as a social worker in a Non-governmental Organization (Krishna foundation) in Nepal, which helped her gain lots of experience regarding outside world scenario. Upon completion of her undergraduate studies, She was further enrolled by Indian embassy and was provided an academic scholarship to pursue Masters in Entomology at one of Asia’s and India’s most decorated university, CCSHAU, Hisar, where currently, She have completed her course work and conducted research on Seasonal abundance and management of sucking insect pests on chilli (Capsicum annum L.) & with all the faith and hard work she has been planning to pursue her Ph.D. as soon as her masters programs are completed. She consider herself a very hard working, enthusiastic, honest and creative person, who has a vision to impact positive change and have enough confidence to achieve her goals in life.

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