Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing

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Responsibilities of the Nurse in discharge planning

28th International Conference on Nursing Care
May 23-24, 2019 | Vienna, Austria

Ayfer Ekim

Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Intensive Crit Care Nurs


Discharge planning is an interdisciplinary approach to continuity of care and a process that includes identification, assessment, goal setting, planning, implementation, coordination, and evaluation. Discharge planning is rather crucial in order to raise the quality of care, identify home care needs and to provide continuity of care. American Nursing Association (ANA) states that “it is the responsibility of nurses to arrange the environment for the next step of caring process and to prepare the patient and his/her family and to ensure the continuity of care.” Nurses, as health care providers with permanent communication with patients, have a key role in the planning of discharge process. Nurses are able to assess continuous care needs by observing social support systems together with patients and their families via the permanent communication. An effective discharge planning includes the factors as effective communication, a multidisciplinary approach, assessment of needs of patients and home conditions as well. The nurse is responsible for evaluating the understanding of the patient and caregiver about self-care, treatment and rehabilitation. It should be a part of nursing process to prepare the patient and the family by planing and implementing required interventions for the transition process. Depending on the status of the disease, the patient and the family should acquire some new skills and it is the responsibility of the nurse to help them on the issue. Discharge planning is absolutely important to improve health-outcomes and to protect readmission. Discharge planning should be integrated into nursing care plan and it should be implemented accordingly.


Ayfer Ekim is an Associate Professor at Department of Nursing, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey. She has completed her PhD at Marmara University Department of Pediatric Nursing. She has published peer reviewed articles in journals such as Clinical Nursing Research, Pain Management Nursing and International Journal of Nursing Knowledge. Her research interests’ focus on childhood chronic diseases, pain management and nursing theory and models. She is a reviewer in many international nursing journals. She still works as a researcher and educator in the field of pediatric nursing.


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