Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing

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Quality features in the 24 hours Home Care

28th International Conference on Nursing Care
May 23-24, 2019 | Vienna, Austria

Elisabeth Haslinger-Baumann,Werner Franz, Lilgenau Anneliese, Binder Claudia and Gugenberger Katharina

University of Applied Sciences, Austria

Keynote : J Intensive Crit Care Nurs


Due to the demographic change, there is a growing demand for professional and institutional care, as well as the need for 24-hour home care. Due to the cost-efficiency and 24h availability, the 24-hour home care represents a cornerstone of the care of older people and with more than 60.000 users in Austria, it represents an important alternative to family assistance and mobile care. Care receivers range from elderly people, who only need assistance with household activities, to those with a high need for a round-the-clock care. Caregivers commute between Austria and the respective home country (mainly Slovakia, Hungary and Romania) for the care work in a two or more weeks rhythm. Burdensome working conditions arise mainly due to language problems, isolated coexistence with a person affected by e.g. dementia in combination with little to no relevant professional education and quality control.

The aim of the project is the development and evaluation of a distributed client-server software solution for the support and quality assurance of 24-hour home care. The application software contains an information and education portal (eLearning) with interactive learning content on common diseases and short videos on recurrent care situations in German, as well as in Slovak, Hungarian and Romanian as the most frequent languages of the caregivers. Secondly it contains a comprehensive electronic care documentation and thirdly an integrated emergency management, which offers caregivers the opportunity to react quickly and professionally to emergencies. By using the application software, the quality of care will be supported and further result in an increase of care quality and quality of life of the older adults cared for. In particular the people cared for, as well as their dependents and relatives who are supported in achieving a successful care arrangement, benefit from further training and qualification measures of the caregivers.


Elisabeth Haslinger-Baumann is Professor and Research Coordinator for Nursing Research in the Department of Applied Nursing Science at University of Applied Sciences in Vienna. She is registered nurse and graduated in Philosophy and Political Sciencees at the University of Vienna. She is PhD in Nursing Science and graduated from the Health and Life Sciences University in Hall in Tyrol, Austria. She leads experimental research projects in the Research Fields Active and Assisting Living, Evidence based Practice Health Care and Nursing and Evaluation Research in Health Care and Nursing.


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