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Quality control vs. Quality assurance of food production; why do systems fail?

10th International Conference on Food Science and Food Safety & 24th Global Biotechnology Congress

Edgardo Carrillo Cabrera

Food Quality and Safety Management, UK

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Arch Ind Biotechnol


Quality is equally a subjective and objective attribute, is not only about our expectations as consumers but the commitment of the producers, distributors and retailers, to meet these expectations, keeping the products always safe. The development and implementation of quality system has been a requirement that has grown in parallel with the need of food production at any scale, but especially at industrial ones. To guaranty and preserve the quality in the food production, is a burden that cannot be avoid by any producer, but the impact is bigger in those whose production volumes are small. There has been important development in Quality Systems that actually work and are easily available for everyone (or at least this is the way it should be) regardless the size of the food producing company. It is not a secret that large companies are able to develop and implement their own quality management systems, which can be even more effective and precise. Nevertheless when we look at the events related to food recalls incidents from 2021; both small and big companies are equally failing. There is no such thing as a perfect system. A good system should be able to evolve and adapt to the changing circumstances, but at the same time preserve all the knowledge and capabilities from previous iterations. Nothing is too big to fail and there’s always a first time, for things to go wrong. These are some of the reasons why systems fail but there are others. This work is a review of some of the quality management systems failures related to the food producers during the past year and possible ways to prevent them.


Edgardo Carrillo Cabrera is a Food quality and safety management consultant with over 20 years of experience in Food science and technology. Have worked in Research and Development and Quality Systems Management in the Food Industry, Master’s degree in Food engineering, Specialist in dairy products technology, Researcher and Chemical engineer. Areas of expertise: Food Quality and Food Safety, Food quality management systems (Nestlé, Mars and BRC), HACCP, Cheese manufacturing, Dairy and dairy derivatives technology, R&D.

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