Journal of Brain and Neurology

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3rd International Conference on NEUROLOGY AND BRAIN DISORDERS
June 19-20, 2019 | Dublin, Ireland

Christophe Pellegrino

Aix Marseille University, France

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Brain Neurol


Brain trauma is the main cause of disability all over the world with a very high prevalence in developed countries (Meyer et al., 2008; Bondi et al., 2015). According to the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Meyer et al., 2008), brain trauma classification is based on multiple factors such as altered neurological functions, brain area of interest and genetic variations. Altogether, these factors lead to highly individualized injuries. Sequels of trauma include low prevalence post-traumatic epilepsies, with a severity and occurrence dependent on trauma severity (Kelly et al., 2015; Bragin et al., 2016), cognitive dysfunctions and depression like phenotypes are also commonly associated. Author’s interest focuses on the early events happening both at cellular and neuronal network level leading to long-term consequences of brain trauma. They put a particular emphasis in investigating the role of GABAergic transmission in the settling up of the post-traumatic depression. They have identified the first post-traumatic week as an optimal therapeutic window. Their rationale is to treat animals before the establishment of the depression in a prophylactic manner.


Christophe Pellegrino completed in PhD in Neurosciences in 2009 at Aix Marseille University, France. He worked on neuronal survival and on the role of intracellular cascades leading to synaptic plasticity of NMDA receptors. Later on he focused on the effect of brain trauma at cellular and network levels with a particular emphasis on epilepsy and psychiatric disorders such as anxiety and depression. His publication H-index is 17 and he is involved in reviewing activity of reputed journals. He is teaching neurosciences and physiology at Aix Marseille University.


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