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Food safety awareness, practices and their implications: A study of home food preparers in Aurangabad District

10th International Conference on Food Science and Food Safety & 24th Global Biotechnology Congress

Vikas Shukre

MGM College of Agricultural Biotechnology, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Arch Ind Biotechnol


The objectives of this paper were to explore the inclusion of food preparation activities, as well as to determine their understanding of food-related risks, food safety knowledge, and self-reported practices among people. A representative selection of 240 home cooking preparers was chosen at random from rural and urban areas of the Aurangabad, and questionnaires regarding food safety awareness, techniques, and attitude was addressed. The finding showed that almost all of the respondents were well-informed on food safety (9.25/15). Participants over 45 years old (10.05), graduate students (12.60), those in the urban group all have had greater average awareness scores (10.88). These categories also reported a better attitude towards food safety. The trend of freelancing labeled and processed food products was much more common in metropolitan areas than those in rural places. The urban affluent group (105.20), participants aged >45 years (95.74), and postgraduate graduates all had high practices scores (107.98).A significant positive correlation among food safety standards and awareness (p0.01), but at the other hand, indicated those with superior food safety awareness were more likely to adopt appropriate food safety precautions. The traces of no recommended pesticides were found in the all-vegetable samples, according the pesticide analysis of a packaged food.


Vikas Shukre was currently working as Biotechnology and involved in teaching as assistant professor in department of Plant Biotechnology and has given many presentations in various conferences.

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