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Cure a cancer by using caspase-3 protein

10th International Conference on Food Science and Food Safety & 24th Global Biotechnology Congress

Umair Masood

GENCEST Biotech Private Limited, Pakistan

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Arch Ind Biotechnol


We all start life as one single cell than cell divides cell form tissues, tissues form organ and organ form a complete body system. Basically cancer is a group of diseases characterized by a abnormal cell growth. In a healthy body system cell grow and die normally in a very controlled way. Damage or change in the DNA of cell by environmentally or internal factor. Sometime cells do not die and continue to multiply until a tumor or cancer develops. The most important and notable point is cancer is still the leading causes of death for people under the age of the 85.For cancer treatment usually a combination of surgery to remove a tumor and sometime chemotherapy and radiation to kill any types of cancer cells. Hormone therapies, Immunotherapy and cancer drug treatment for specific types of cancer. Actually intrinsic pathway will lead to the destruction of the cell that is the function of program cell death. When cell goes any types of problem like DNA damages it try to kill itself the process is start from the mitochondria the target is mitochondria for example DNA is damage that act as a signal. There are certain molecules that are found inside the cell who sense the DNA damage some are protein like ATM protein or CHK protein. Now the cytochorme c bind with a protein called A- paf1 they can activate the set of protein called cascade reaction than cytochorme c and A-paf1 activated a caspase-9 and caspase-9 activated a caspase-3. The caspase-3 activated future nucleases enzyme and proteases enzyme after the activation of nucleases enzyme cell cannot be survive. If we can deliver a caspas-3 protein in cancerous cell by using different types of solute carrier the cell automatically activate nucleases enzyme nucleases find the DNA and start degrading the DNA and cell cannot survive.


Umair Masood is currently working at GENCEST Biotech Private Limited company at Islamabad, Pakistan. He has published many articles in international journals.

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