Journal of Food Technology and Preservation

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Afam Anene C Author

Investigating the nutritional, sensory and storage qualities of substituted mungbean-garri diets.

Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria


The study investigated the nutritional, sensory and storage qualities of substituted mungbeangarri diets. Mungbean substituted garri in different proportions (30%, 40%, 50%, and 60%) to generate ready-to-eat mungbean-garri diets. Substituted mungbean-garri samples and 100% garri were subjected to chemical (proximate, anti-nutrient) and sensory analysis, the most acceptable diet was further subjected to microbial growth count

Subjects of specialization: Substituted, Mungbean-garri,Proximate,Anti-nutrient,Microbial,Sensory analysis.

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