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Raghu Pandurangi Author

Role of vitamin E and vitamin E derivatives in Cancer treatment and in offsetting toxicity by Chemotherapy

.Raghu Pandurangi started his scientific career Ph.D. in spectroscopy followed by post-doctoral training at Radiology and Internal medicine, University of Missouri, Columbia


He was a principle investigator in Schering AG, Germany where he directed and involved in 2 FDA approved drugs (AccuTect and NeoTect). He was a team leader at Mallinckrodt directing apoptosis imaging. He became an entrepreneur in 2013 inventing AAAPT technology for improving FDA approved drugs. Currently, he is the Founder, President and CSO of Sci-Engi-Medco Solutions (SEMCO) and Amplexi-LLC, recipient of several NIH grants and awards. He also an ardent percussionist (Tabla) and VP for Anu-Rag School of Music, A non-profit organization headed by his wife Guru Sandhya Pandurangi.

Subjects of specialization: spectroscopy

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