Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology

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Mini Review - Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology (2023) Volume 7, Issue 2

The evolution of impression cytology of the ocular surface

Impression Cytology (IC) allows the collection of cells from the superficial layer of the ocular surface. It consists of three main steps: cell acquisition using membranes placed on the ocular surface, cell transfer from the membrane onto a glass slide or tube, and finally cellular analysis. Since the technique was first introduced in 1977, each of these steps has undergone significant improvement or modification, resulting in a method that is easy, simple, and non-invasive compared to other cell acquisition methods. This mini review examines the gradual improvements to the steps of IC to overcome its limitations, as well as to the analysis of the acquired cells. The remaining limitations of IC are also discussed. Currently, IC is used, among others, in understanding the pathophysiology of ocular surface diseases such as dry eye disease through identification of its inflammatory mediators. It is also the main method of staging squamous metaplasia in ocular cells and is used as a diagnostic tool for multiple ocular conditions.

Author(s): Konstantinos Tourmouzis, Adam Master, Robert Honkanen, Basil Rigas

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