Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing

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Perspective - Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing (2023) Volume 6, Issue 2

Focal cryotherapy for localized prostate cancer original experience in multiparametric mangnetic resonance imaging

Plasmacytoid urothelial melanoma ( PUC) is a rare histological type of bladder cancer characterized by discohesive cells with eccentrically placed capitals and abundant cytoplasm suggesting tube cells. PUCs tend to considerably involve the bladder wall and constantly extend into the perivesical soft apkins This aggressive pattern of irruption results in a high threat of original rush, metastatic complaint, and cancer- related deaths. PUCs are generally locally advanced at donation. A considerable number of cases suffer radical surgery( cystectomy/ cystoprostatectomy, nephroureterectomy, or exenteration) with the intent to cure. Multiparametric Magnetic resonance imaging( mpMRI) is a doable and nicely accurate fashion for original staging of bladder cancer to optimize treatment. still, there have only been many reports of correlation between mpMRI features and histopathological findings in the original staging of PUC. We herein report a case of PUC presenting mpMRI features with a histopathological correlation. Whole- gland cryotherapy for prostate cancer has been used as an indispensable option for primary or salvage treatment for cases who aren't fit for radical prostatectomy or radiation remedy. Although cryotherapy is a less invasive procedure than radical prostatectomy, whole- gland cryotherapy still damages the girding apkins, causing complications similar as erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence, and rectourethral fistula.

Author(s): Graziani Morgan

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