Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing

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Research Article - Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing (2023) Volume 6, Issue 3

A study to evaluate the effectiveness of simulation training on knowledge and practice of cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR among traffic police at Mangaluru

Background: Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) indicates that ‘Cardio’ means ‘the Heart’ and ‘Pulmonary’ means ‘the Lung’. Resuscitation is the medical term that means ‘revive’ or bring back to life. Cardiac arrest is more common than expected and can happen to anyone who suffers from the cardiac disease at any time. Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD) is a group of disorders, heart disease is the world’s largest killer, and about 17.9 million lives every year, concerning every twenty-nine seconds die in India because of a heart attack. Objective: To assess the pre-test and post-test of knowledge and practice among traffic police. To find the effectiveness of simulation training on knowledge and practice regarding CPR among traffic police. To find out the relationship between simulation training between knowledge and practice among traffic police. Method: A quasi-experimental pre-test post- test research design was adopted. A simple random sampling technique was used to select the samples among 60 traffic police at the commissioner police office, Mangalore, India. Results: Among 60 samples in the pre-test, the majority of 48 (80%) had poor knowledge, 12 (20%) were average knowledge and none of the samples had good knowledge, whereas post-test of knowledge level 39 (65%) had good knowledge, 19 (32%) had average knowledge and 2 (3%) had poor knowledge, enhancement 48.67% and practice 60 (100%) had poor practice and none of the samples had a good practice. Whereas post-test 55 (92%) had a good practice and 5 (8%) had poor practice, enhancement of 52.78%. The post-test standard deviation of knowledge was 21.73±3.54 and the practice mean score with a standard deviation was 26.86±1.2 whereas (r=0.89). Discussion: Hence, the study concluded that the administration of simulation training was very effective in the improvement of knowledge and which improves the practice level of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) among traffic police.

Author(s): Hari Kumar Sunam *, R. Kanagavalli, G. Prathiba

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