Journal of Systems Biology & Proteome Research

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Biostatistics - Research Articles

Biostatistics is that the application of statistical principles to questions and problems in medicine, public health or biology. One can imagine that it might be of interest to characterize a given population (e.g., adults in Boston or all children in the United States) with respect to the proportion of subjects who are overweight or the proportion who have asthma, and it would also be important to estimate the magnitude of these problems over time or perhaps in different locations. Biostatistics are the event and application of statistical methods to a good range of topics in biology. It encompasses the planning of biological experiments, the gathering and analysis of knowledge from those experiments and therefore the interpretation of the results. Medical uncertainty is straightforward to handle when divided into aleatory and epistemic types. These terms may sound new to medicine but are commonly used in seismic science and economics. Aleatory uncertainty in medicine arises from endogenous factors like inherent biological variation, environmental factors, socio-cultural and psychological factors, random variation thanks to observers, instruments and laboratories, etc. Epistemic uncertainty arises from lack of knowledge, conceptual errors, non-availability of tools, and biases of various types. The Journal of computing & Systems Biology includes a good range of fields in its discipline to form a platform for the authors to make their contribution in the form of review, research, mini-review, short communication etc towards the journal and therefore the editorial office promises a referee process for the submitted manuscripts for quality publishing. The concept of "review article" is separate from the concept of peer-reviewed literature. It is possible for a review to be peer-reviewed, and it is possible for a review to be non-peer-reviewed.


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