Journal of Trauma and Critical Care

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Use of synthetic epithelium in second degree burns for wound healing and tissue regeneration in children under 3 years old

December 05-06, 2022 | Dubai, UAE

Nimfa Jeraldine Buizon, Sergio Mazzei, Mahmoud Tabbal and Hussain Al Rahma

Al Zahra Hospital Dubai, UAE

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Trauma Crit Care


Introduction: Burn injuries under 3 years old are 32% prevalent and most of these accidents happen at home. Burn management includes dressing changes which can be painful manifested by screaming and crying resulting to poor compliance with the treatment plan. This study involves the evaluation of synthetic epithelium (EpiProtect®), a biosynthetic cellulose dressing indicated for second degree burns on a 2 year old child. Method: This is a case of 2 year old male infant with second degree burn with TBSA of 5.5%. Local toothpaste was used as a home remedy. The child was brought to ED where he was treated with local cream and bandage dressing. Two days after he was refered to wound care. Superficial to partial thickness burn on the left upper arm and left cheek without contractures were initially treated conservatively with superoxidized solution (Dermacyn), non-adherent dressing (Jelonet) and conforming bandage. The plan to use synthetic epithelium was discussed with the parents. EpiProtect® was applied 3 days after the first visit and the wound was re-assessed after 48 hours. Succeeding visits were between 3-5 days for follow up evaluation. Results: The wound healed within 15 days with no scar formation. Hypopigmentation was present which will resolve in few weeks. Patient compliance and satisfaction was met. Conclusion: Burn management in children require dressing changes which are painful and distressing. The case suggested that EpiProtect® is an advanced dressing that can be used to treat partial-thickness burns that provides immediate analgesia and can reduce the frequency of dressing changes Recent Publications 1. Mazzei S, Sindoni A, Fama F, Buizon NJ, Shafei MA. Dehydrated human amnion/chorion membrane treatment of venous leg ulcers. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2020;86:212-214


Nimfa Jeraldine Buizon is a double degree holder for biology and nursing. She graduated from University of the Philippines with biology degree and she earned her Bachelor’s in Nursing from Arellano University in the Philippines. She has been a registered nurse for more than 10 years and is currently working as charge nurse for wound care in Al Zahra Hospital Dubai. She completed her International Interprofessional Wound Care Course (IIWCC) from University of Toronto last February 2021 and is currently engaged in different wound care and ostomy activities within her facility. She also established UAE Stoma Support Group in social media which aims to provide education for new ostomates.

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