Journal of Agricultural Science and Botany

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The Role of Plant Nutrition on Food Supply and Sufficiency World-Wide

3rd International Conference on Plant Science and Agriculture
May 05-06, 2021 | Webinar

Gloria Arevalo

Zamorano University, Honduras

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Agric Sci Bot


To feed an increasing population is a challenge that plant and soil scientists face today. A well-fed population secures a higher life quality, healthy youth, and food security. As human kind, we face threats to food production, climate change, deforestation, forest fires of unprecedented scale that attack bio-diversity, the expansion of the agricultural frontier, soil degradation, and fractured land ownership. Social unrest, different levels of social understanding regarding to environmental preservation and demand for organic products. Agricultural systems have as the objective to feed properly a growing population without deterioration of natural resources. This challenge makes scientists to use alternative technologies available to achieve these goals. Such as genetic engineering, the use of advanced chemical and organic fertilizers, precision agriculture, land selection and proper use, bio-fortification of crops, new crop systems and improvement of nutrient bioavailability of crops. This presentation has as an objective to share simple strategies to detect soil and growing media fertility levels, soil and crop management strategies, proper high yielding variety selection for a much more nutrient and water in order to provide more and better food for the population. Such strategy should take to its maximum potential those agricultural Sciences of which plant nutrition is a major component. Such strategy must contribute substantially to solve the problem of human mal-nutrition, which is the result of poor diets low in nutrients and vitamins. This affects over a half of the world�s population specially women and children. In addition, soil quality for much higher yields throughout the world. This is especially important in countries that do not have soil Conservation programs or laws to compel a proper land use. In this way, sustainable agriculture must be protected so that soil quality and productivity are not compromised. In this way, human nutrition and environmental preservation will be achieved.


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