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The right time of the SBT by prolonged weaning by COPD GOLD D patients with emphysema on respiratory intensive care unit to prevent VIDD

9th International Conference on COPD and Lung Health
September 13, 2022 | Webinar

Lavae Mokhtari

Ibbenbueren General Hospital, Germany

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Int J Respir Med


Patient with COPD GOLD D with emphysema and prolonged Weaning after complicated pneumonia on intensive care unit and long term ventilation or after lung volume reduction surgery by massive emphysema must be relieved by ventilatory failure by a ventilation form via tracheal cannula or tubus with low PEEP and breath frequency to prevent a dynamic hyperventilation. In addition high caloric nourishment is needed by pulmonary cachexia in combination with a regular physiotherapy and effectively secrolytic and bonchodillatative inhalation therapy. Comorbidities like cardiac failure, infections, delirious and anemia must be treated. The right time of the first SBT and further extended SBT after performing respiratory support ventilation or high Flow therapy in combination with Patient with COPD GOLD D with emphysema and prolonged Weaning after complicated pneumonia on intensive care unit and long term ventilation or after lung volume reduction surgery by massive emphysema must be relieved by ventilatory failure by a ventilation form via tracheal cannula or tubus with low PEEP and breath frequency to prevent a dynamic hyperventilation. In addition high caloric nourishment is needed by pulmonary cachexia in combination with a regular physiotherapy and effectively secrolytic and bonchodillatative inhalation therapy. Comorbidities like cardiac failure, infections, delirious and anemia must be treated. The right time of the first SBT and further extended SBT after performing respiratory support ventilation or high Flow therapy in combination with invasive ventilation therapy after exclusion of dysphagia is the main point to prevent VIDD and a reaching a successfully weaning with conversion on intermittently none invasive ventilation.


Lavae Mokhtari is consultant of Respiratory Intensive Care Unit in General Hospital Ibbenbueren since 2013. He has eight Publications, 18 National and International Publications, one Book Publication and 4 Scientific International and one National oral Presentation. He has 221 Citation. His main research interests are Risk factors of COPD GOLD D patients by prolonged weaning, quantitative CT and multimodal therapy of SCLC at stage limited disease. He is member of German and European Respiratory Society and German Interdisciplinary Society of Outpatient Ventilation.

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