Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation

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The new paradigm on Electric Power; Fossil Power does not mix with Green Power on the grid

2nd International Conference on Green Energy & Technology
April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland

Per Ribbing

Uppsala University, Sweden

Keynote : Environ Risk Assess Remediat

DOI: 10.4066/2529-8046-C1-001


Negative Labelling is far more efficient than Ecolabelling in attracting people to make an active choice. Since the misunderstanding that “all power mixes on the grid” is still dominant, not even Ecolabels themselves write criteria demanding Green Power. E.g. the Nordic Ecolabel has no criteria on what power their licensees consume. The Nordic Ecolabel is stuck in the old paradigm where this view is true: Since electricity is mixed on the grid you don’t get what you buy. Hence, we cannot demand our licensees to buy something they do not receive. But in my article; On the Analogy between the Electric Grid and Our Banking System: Investigating “Consumer Power” in Deregulated Power Markets the above statement is explained a misconception. Obviously, companies having a Nordic Ecolabel license for one or more of their products should NOT be allowed to buy Coal Power or any fossil electricity when in fact: Consumers can choose not to have coal power in their outlets. They can say NO to coal. There are at present about 2000 companies with a Nordic Ecolabel license. They range from small restaurants to giant paper and pulp mills, from producers of lawn mowers to Supermarkets. Just imagine the push-andpull effect on the power market that would arise if 2000 companies suddenly decided to demand Green Power: the push for new investments in wind and solar PV, and the pull away from investments in fossil energy. Also, this sudden rise in Consumer Power should be beneficial also to investments in Energy Efficiency. The NWh is still the most efficient way to reduce (CO2) emissions. When consumers start choosing to not buy coal power, production of fossil electricity will cease to exist. Fossil power will be no more. ‘Consumer Power’ has the power to end the fossil era.


Per Ribbing completed his Master’s Degree in Engineering Physics at Linköping University, Sweden in 1989. He later entered into the area of Sustainable Development after a close encounter with oil wars. He was the Energy Advisor for the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation 1997-98 and worked with energy matters at the Nordic Eclolabel 2004-2010. He also runs his owned company; Perpetuum Energy & Environment where he is a Public Speaker, Consultant and Educator. At present he is a PhD student at Uppsala University writing his thesis on Climate Change Leadership: the case for electrification. He has arranged monthly speaker pubs (ENVIRONMENTALE) for the NGO Swedish Engineers for Sustainable Development since 1996. 

E-mail: per.ribbing@angstrom.uu.se

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