Journal of Clinical Dentistry and Oral Health

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The Effect of TADs (mini-implants) on Orthodontic Science

2nd International Conference on Dental Health and Oral Hygiene
September 05-06, 2019 | London, UK

Omar El Bayoumy

Dr. Omar El Bayoumy Orthodontic Center, Egypt

Keynote : J Clin Dentistry Oral Health


Mini-implants have influenced orthodontic treatment plans by providing possible management of complicated discrepancies than those treatable by conventional biomechanics. By the help of mini-implants, force can be applied directly to the bone-borne anchor unit. Therefore, mini-Implants not only eliminated concerns about anchorage demanding cases, but they also have enabled clinicians to overcome tooth movement in three dimensions.

Furthermore, adjunctive orthodontic treatments in adults, and treatment for impacted teeth are the other indication of mini-implant treatment. mini - implants were grouped as follow:

(a) Common appliances for providing orthodontic anchorage,

(b) Bio-mechanical details of mini-implants and their insertion,

(c) Clinical application of mini-implants for orthognathic treatments,

(d) Limitations and possible complications. In conclusion, mini-implant evolved the orthodontic treatment plans and compromised the required orthognathic surgery. Malocclusion treatment and pure orthodontic ororthopedic movements in the three-dimensions have become recently possible by using mini-implant to provide skeletal anchorage.


Omar El Bayoumy has been a Speaker and Orthodontic lecturer at many national and international dental conferences. He is the International Board of Orthodontics and Implantology in Taiwan. He is also a member of International Association for Orthodontics, USA and European Orthodontic Society. He is President of International Orthodontic Academy (IOA), Egypt.


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