Materials Science and Nanotechnology

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Synthesis and characterization V2O5/SiO2 nano catalyst

May 06-07, 2022 | Webinar

Ali Alnazaa Alhamad, M.N.Alaya

Aleppo University, Syria

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Mater Sci Nanotechnol


Catalysis plays a major role in chemical, physical, and biological sciences. It has become, over the years, one of the most important fields in chemistry, as some 85%-90% of industrial processes include at least one catalytic step and, more recently, in environmental chemistry. The main role of a catalyst is to decrease the activation energy of a chemical reaction and, in a multiproduct reaction, to favor the most important one, i.e. to favor selectivity which is now a major concern to avoid at most the formation of unwanted byproducts, even at the expense of the reaction activity.


Ali Alnazaa Alhamad is a Ph.D. graduate and lecturer in physical chemistry who specializes in surfaces and catalysis at Aleppo University, Syria. He is from the Faculty of Basic Sciences and holds a master's degree in physical chemistry with a specialization in surfaces and catalysis with an excellent grade. Currently, he is working on research on the topic of Preparation and Characterization of Sulfated Iron Oxide. He is currently working on the preparation and characterization of silica vanadia nanocatalysts using various techniques. His research interest is the sciences of nano-catalysts, their preparation methods, and their uses in various industries.

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