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Specialised treatment methods in Ayurveda

Joint Event on International Conference and Exhibition on Probiotics, Nutrition and Functional Foods & 17th World Congress on Pediatrics and Nutrition
July 05-06, 2019 | Paris, France

Shriniwas Gujjarwar

Shri Krishna Govt Ayurved College, India

Keynote : J Pub Heath Catalog


Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata Samhita-texts are the fundamental trinity for explanation of deep knowledge regarding various aspects of preventing diseases and illustration of various treatments for various disease conditions in 5000BC. Ayurveda explains Ashtanga Ayurveda- eight pillars of different specialities of treatment for different types of ailments. These are kaya chikitsa- medicinal treatment, Bala chikitsa - paediatrics, Graha chikitsa - Psycho- somatic diseases, Urdhvaanga chikitsa -(Shalakya)- diseases pertaining to ear, nose, throat, mouth, eye, Shalya chikitsa - surgical treatments / surgeries, Danshtra- toxicology, Jara chikitsa - geriatrics and Vrisha chikitsa - science of aphrodisiacs. Basic texts of Ayurveda elucidate various types of treatments such as Shamana- medicinal treatment, shodhana-Panchakarmabody cleansing treatments along with some specialised treatments such as Kshara sutra treatment, Agnikarma- Heat therapy- cauterization, Jaluka treatment- leech therapy, Vrana chikitsa- wound management and shalya chikitsa – surgeries and fracture management. In this paper various examples of therapies of Ayurveda like Rejuvination, Panchakarma, Agnikarma, Ksharasutra, Ksharkarma, jaloukavacharana, viddha Chikitsa etc. will be presented with their role in managment of various diseases.


Shriniwas Gujjarwar is working as Professor and Head of Dept. of Shalyatantra (Surgery) under department of AYUSH, Govt. of Haryana at shirk Krishna Govt. Ayurved College, Kurukshetra, Haryana. He is having 21 years of Academic and Clinical experience in the field of Ayurveda. He has completed her graduation and post graduation in Ayurveda from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar University, Aurangabad, Maharastra state with specialization in Shalyatantra. He is having vast knowledge and experience in academic and clinical field and is working as InCharge to various academic committees and as a member to various committees constituted by the Govt.of Haryana and CCIM, AYUSH Ministry Govt. Of India. He has presented lectures on various topics as Guest Speaker/ Resource person at national, International conferences, Seminars, ROTPs and CMEs. He has been instrumental in organising seminars / Public conferences on different topics as an organising committee member.


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