Journal of Agricultural Science and Botany

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Role of Quantitative Ethnobotany in Conservation and Sustainable use of Plant Wealth

3rd International Conference on Plant Science and Agriculture
May 05-06, 2021 | Webinar

Preeti Rani, Rupinder Kumar and Neelu Sood

Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Agric Sci Bot


Census of India 2011, reports that 68.84% of country???s total population lives in rural areas. Due to inadequate public health services and trained health workers, poor people in rural areas are not having sufficient modern healthcare facilities. Over the years, native population has been using local plants for medicinal purposes and has accumulated significant ethnomedicinal information and therefore found ways to deal with such health insufficiency. This manuscript contains statistical indices used in description of quantitative ethnobotany. The statistical indices require native data regarding usage of local plants in a particular area which is collected using proforma and interviews. Subsequently, the data is translated and statistically analyzed to arrive at some important result. For long, anthropogenic activities have been threatening plant wealth which led to extinction of many ethnomedicinally important plant species. Loss of such plant bodies stands for unsustainability. Through this study it is anticipated that ethnobotany plays a key role in conservation and sustainable use of plant wealth in rural pockets of Haryana, India. Census of India 2011, reports that 68.84% of country???s total population lives in rural areas. Due to inadequate public health services and trained health workers, poor people in rural areas are not having sufficient modern healthcare facilities. Over the years, native population has been using local plants for medicinal purposes and has accumulated significant ethnomedicinal information and therefore found ways to deal with such health insufficiency. This manuscript contains statistical indices used in description of quantitative ethnobotany. The statistical indices require native data regarding usage of local plants in a particular area which is collected using proforma and interviews. Subsequently, the data is translated and statistically analyzed to arrive at some important result. For long, anthropogenic activities have been threatening plant wealth which led to extinction of many ethnomedicinally important plant species. Loss of such plant bodies stands for unsustainability. Through this study it is anticipated that ethnobotany plays a key role in conservation and sustainable use of plant wealth in rural pockets of Haryana, India. Keywords: Quantitative ethno botany, Medicinal plants, Statistical Indices.


Preeti Rani is a research scholar and studying for her PhD at Department of Botany, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India. Her area of research is ethno botany and application of statistical tools to empirically analyze ethno botanical information existing amongst aboriginals of the area She Presented a paper entitled; “Bio-statistical tools for analysis of ethno botanical data” in National seminar on “Biodiversity and Environmental Changes: Threats and Mitigation”, held at Pandit Chiranjilal Sharma Government College, Karnal on 8th February 2020 and she also Presented a paper entitled: “Rural pockets as ethno medicinal knowledge bank” in UGC sponsored the 3rd national conference on “Innovation in Bioscience and Technology” at Multani Mal College, Patiala, Punjab, on 7th March 2020. Her publications include an extended abstract entitled: “Role of quantitative ethno botany in conservation and sustainable use of plant wealth” in the “Journal of agriculture”. The research paper entitled: “Qualitative and Quantitative Ethno botanical Analysis of Ricinus communis L. and Azadirachta indica A. Juss. In Sonipat District of Haryana, India” in the “Journal of natural remedies”. The research paper entitled: “Ethno Medicinal Inquisition of Ricinus communis L. in Various Districts of Haryana, India” in the “Journal of Ecology, environment and conservation”.

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