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Providing geriatric neurology services in Nigeria: Emerging field with great potentials

Joint Event on 5th International Conference on Brain Disorders and Therapeutics & Mental Health and Psychology
November 05-06, 2018 | Edinburgh, Scotland

Temitope H Farombi ,Temitope O Alonge

University college Hospital, Nigeria

Keynote : J Brain Neurol


Background: The elderly population in Nigeria is estimated to be approximately 11 million and this pose a great challenge due to an increasing prevalence of non- communicable diseases. Unfortunately, there are only two specialized geriatric services in a country of 170 million people. Neurological disorders accounts for more than 29% of global burden of disease and estimates show that Africa bears a high burden. Despite the growing burden, there is dearth of specialist neurologic care for the elderly in sub Saharan Africa. Recent data shows one adult neurologist per 0ne million populations. Our center is the first dedicated Neurology unit for the elderly in Nigeria. We profile the neurological disorder seen in geriatric center in Nigeria to identify areas of intervention and possible funding.

Conclusion: Geriatric neurological services are critically needed in Nigeria. However, the lack of skilled human resources with the absence of the needed health infrastructure for neurological services pose a great challenge as well as limit our ability to establish and subclassify neurological disorders


Temitope Farombi is a graduate of University of Ibadan. She trained in internal medicine at the University College Hospital (UCH) and Neurology at UCH Ibadan Nigeria. She obtained master’s degree in Clinical Neuroscience at King’s College London. Dr Farombi is a consultant Neurologist at the Chief Tony Anenih Geriatric center University College Hospital, the first geriatric center in West Africa sub-region. Dr Farombi’s practice specializes in the critical care neurology of the elderly, movement disorders, dementia and headaches. Dr Farombi was a visiting scholar to the Northwestern University Chicago, USA and has published articles in scientific journals.


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