Journal of Agricultural Science and Botany

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Production of sweet pepper under different protective structures

Joint Event on International Conference on Plant Science & Natural Products,Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicines
November 15-16, 2018 | Paris, France

Md Shahidul Islam

Sylhet Agricultural Universityy, Bangladesh

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Plant science & Natural Medicine

DOI: 10.4066/2591-7897-C1-003


One sweet pepper variety was evaluated under different low height (1.0 m) protective structures including fine net (120 mesh)+polytunnel, fine net, coarse net (40 mesh)+polytunnel, coarse net, only polytunnel and open field condition. Protective structures had the significant influence on growth and yield of sweet pepper. The highest number of fruits per plant was recorded (11.35) from the plants grown under fine net+polytunnel protected system followed by coarse net+polytunnel protected system (9.77) while it was the lowest for open condition (4.63). The fruit yield per plant was also the highest (1.117 kg/plant) when the crops grown under fine net+polytunnel protection followed by the plants grown under coarse net+ polytunnel protection (0.902 kg/ plant). Yield of sweet pepper under protected condition was much higher compared to that of plants grown under open field condition (0.268 kg/plant). Protective structures provide congenial atmospheric condition and protected the plants from pest attack, cold injury during winter which enhance proper growth and development. For on farm adaptive trial the same variety was evaluated under net+ polythene, only net covering and open field condition at seventeen farmer’s field during winter season of 2014. Results revealed that the average number of fruits/plant (9.3) and individual fruit weight (87.7 g) were the maximum when the crop grown under the protective structure of net+polytunnel while both of these were the minimum for open field condition. The fruit yield/plant was recorded the highest from net+polytunnel (826.4 g) while it was the lowest for open condition (333.3 g).



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