Journal of Trauma and Critical Care

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Importance of wound care in nursing education

February 23-24, 2023 | Dubai, UAE

Angie Machado

Spectrum Health Solutions and Advanced Health Institute, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Trauma Crit Care


The skin is the largest organ of the body, as medical professionals we need to be able to care, monitor and protect the skin from breakdown caused by disease processes which result in wounds. This is not always an easy task as wound care is not included in the nursing syllabus. When the hospitals were closed, nursing students lost clinical time. This then can lead to additional problems when nurses are taxed with complete head to toe or wound assessment. Quality measurements and documentation may be missing. Here is another important detail: does the documentation and patient diagnosis support the physicians’ recommendations and facility to receive payment? Type of wound may be incorrect. This may result in, misdiagnosis of a wound and may lead to failure to provide proper treatment or cause a delay in treatment and closure. What can go wrong if the proper wound care is not provided? Let's take a look at some photos of actual cases and review what happened, or should have happened. At the end of the day remember, the patient is the one that suffers the consequences of our actions: failure to stay of education and breach of duty. The reality is these are the top four reasons for malpractice and negligence lawsuits from patients. Lawsuit: That is one word that no one ever wants to hear. So, what can a healthcare provider, facility or company do to decrease the risk of a lawsuit? Option 1. Education wound care certified 2. CE wound classes. Education in wound care has positive results not only for the nurse, employer, physician APRN or PA. It also has a positive impact on the patient. Recent Publications 1. Machado, Angie (2021) "A bioresorbable antimicrobial nanoparticle matrix: the "Swiss army knife" of wound matrix dressings. SAWC Fall 2021 Abstract Book pp.19 2. Machado, Angie (2022) “A “Wound” to the Wise: Practical Tips and Tricks of Wound Care and Closing Remarks” WoundCon Summer 2022


Angie Machado has worked in the healthcare industry since 1977. She completed her practical nurses training in 1981 from Fergus Falls Community College, MN, USA. She studied nursing at St. Catherine’s University from 1996 - 2000. She recognized her passion with wounds and received her wound certificate from the NAWCO in 2011, OWCNAHP in 2018 and diabetic wound certification from the NAWCO in 2021. She is a faculty instructor in wound education at Advanced Health Institute; while working full time in Clinical Education and Research: providing education, consultations and training in wound management at Spectrum Health Solutions. Christina Rahm has worked as a medical, clinical, and research scientist in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and biotechnology industries for Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Biogen Idec/Biogen, UCB, Bristol Myers Squibb, and Alexion. Additionally, she worked on the corporate side for Pfizer, Biogen, and Janssen and is currently the Chairman of International Science Nutrition Society and Chief Science Officer for ROOT Wellness. She has also served as a formulator for several companies and manufacturing labs, including her own.

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