Biology & Medicine Case Reports

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Covid 19 Psychosis: - A potential new neuropsychiatric response developed by Novel Corona Virus

4th International Conference on Healthcare and Health Management
March 08, 2022 | Webinar

Shalvi Gaikwad

Shreedevi hospital, India

Keynote : Biol Med Case Rep


Jack Ma very well said:- In the year 2020 don’t think of any growth in any terms only thanks to God if you are breathing on your own. This statement marks the impact on mankind about the question arising in regards to the existence of mankind. Novel (COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2) has caused overall tension and misery due to its infectivity, lethality, and absence of therapeudic treatment; notwithstanding, the degree and attributes of trouble, psychopathology, and potential infection explicit neuropsychiatric appearances presently can't seem to be explained. Covid is neurotropic and can enter the cerebrum through different components, including the olfactory neural pathway, and they can cause a critical incendiary reaction, which can cause both fringe and focal sensory system (CNS) indications. Earlier reports from the SARS CoV-1 pestilence recognized a scope of mental difficulties in impacted patients with SARS, including change related uneasiness, wretchedness, self-destructive ideation, just as natural hallucinosis and natural hyper problem. High-portion corticosteroid use has been distinguished as a huge related element in maniacal presentations. Long-term overcomers of SARS-CoV-1 were found to have post awful pressure problem (54%), discouragement (39%), alarm issue (32.5%), and fanatical urgent issue (15.6%) 31–50 months after the analysis; in any case, short-or long haul psychosis was not found in this accomplice. paper is on an analytical secondary study to measure on the impact of new neuropsychiatric response developed by novel corona virus.


Shalvi Gaikwad studied in Bharati Vidyapeeth college of Ayurveda, Pune, India in the year 2000 and started her own clinic in a small city of Kalyan. She pursued her Master’s Degree in Hospital Administration and also completed her Masters in human resources management from Manipal University, India. She started her career in administration as chief administrative officer in Shreedevi hospital and has sustained into administration till date but only the modalities have changed for her. Currently she is an enterpuerner and is a team leader for her own 2 setups. She is a hard core team leader and always has shown endurance and strength in developing all operations in hospital periodically.

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