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Case report: Psoriatic arthritis and stem cell therapy

6th World Congress and Expo on Cell and Stem Cell Research
March 16, 2022 | Webinar

Paul Dreschnack

Optimal Wellness, USA

Keynote : Adv cel sci tissue cul


We report a case of a 63-year-old patient with a 20-year history of psoriatic arthritis that covered 80% of her body. After failed methotrexate therapy, her symptomology was well controlled with topical clobetasol. After treatment with adipose-derived stem cells for a painful knee, her skin pathology disappeared for 7 months without any further treatment. When lesions did return, they were of less severity then usually seen.


Dreschnack has completed his MD at Ross University and postdoctoral studies from State University of New york at Brooklyn and Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Plastic, Hand and Microsurgery. He is the director of Optimal Wellness. He is a multiple Nobel Peace Prize nominee for his work as Assistant Director of The India Project. His team operated on over 300,00 children in India with congenital birth defects free of charge. He is a researcher in stem cells and exosomes since 1982 at Yale University.

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