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Building Personal and Community Resilience against Covid-19 and Climate change

3rd International Conference on Plant Science and Agriculture
May 05-06, 2021 | Webinar

Aneesha Holaday

Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Agric Sci Bot


Resilience means ???having the ability to rebound after difficulties, barriers or obstacles.??? the Covid-19 and effects of Climate Change have certainly created unseen difficulties, barriers and obstacles around the world. It is clear that humanity cannot continue to abuse take the earth for granted as it has done over the past two hundred years and has to change its behavior. Ayurveda says that the only person who we can change is you, so we must build resilience against these forces by looking to nature itself, working in harmony with it and abiding by its laws. We must strengthen immunity and manage the inevitable stresses that these crises present. The ethics and principles of Permaculture show us what we must do to correct our behavior so that human activity will benefit the earth rather than contributing to its decline. In these global crises we must unite globally and act locally to make significant, incremental changes, securing basic human needs while restoring the earth???s natural tendency to sustain life on earth.


Ann (Aneesha) Holaday CAP was born, brought up and educated in Britain and has lived in Washington with her family since 1981. Her lifetime career has been in Radiation Oncology where she was an educator, manager, and practitioner. She has lived in Puerto Rico, New Zealand, India, Britain, and Germany. She studied Ayurveda under Dr. David Frawley, Dr. Vasant Lad, Dr. Partap Chauhan of JIVA, and at the Ayurveda College in Kerala, India. She is a professional member of NAMA and AAPNA. She has presented at the AAPNA Conference in Lucknow, Global Ayurveda Festival in Cochin, 6th Annual Holistic Health Conference in Kottayam, World Ayurveda Congress in Delhi, ICHM conferences at MG University Kerala. William Research Centre Kerala European Ayurveda Association. She published her research in Holistic Healthcare Volume 1 and 2. She hosted an internet radio program on Voice America. She is a certified permaculture designer.

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