Journal of Trauma and Critical Care

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Borrowing from nature: Placental therapy a significant tool for wound healing therapy

February 23-24, 2023 | Dubai, UAE

Madhu Gupta

Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research University, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Trauma Crit Care


The placenta maintains and regulates the growth of foetus and consists of various biologically active nutrients such as cyto medicines, vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, peptides, growth factors and other biologically active constituents. The therapeutic effectiveness of the placenta can be well defined with respect to several biochemical mechanisms of various components present in it. The placental extract derived from biomedical wastes has also shown a great potential for treatment of various diseases. Placental therapy has been reported specifically to have potent action on treatment of diseases and tissue regeneration. Placental bioactive components and their multi-targeting identity prompted us to compile the précised information on placental extract products. However, some findings are needed to be explored by scientific community to prove their clinical potential with significant statistical validation. In the light of available information and the usefulness of the placental extract, it is necessary that the formulations of various desirable properties may be developed to meet the clinical requirements in several treatment paradigms. It is also a matter of exploration that the short and long-term adverse effects to be explored by advanced scientific techniques. Recent Publications 1. Madhu Gupta and Amrita Kumari et all Wound-Healing Effects of Curcumin and Its Nanoformulations: A Comprehensive Review, Pharmaceutics 2022, 14, 2288. 2. Madhu Gupta, Neha Raina, Rakesh Pahwa et all Drug Delivery Strategies and Biomedical Significance of Hydrogels: Translational Considerations, Pharmaceutics 2022, 14, 574. https://doi. org/10.3390/pharmaceutic s14030574


Madhu Gupta is working as an Associate Professor in Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University, New Delhi. She has research experience pertaining to drug delivery to nano formulations for magical molecule delivery, bioligands for targeting of bioactive and drug moiety, biopolymers, cancer nanomedicine as well as topical delivery. She has over 80 research publications to her credit published in journals of high scientific impact and contributed 30 chapters in various renowned books with h index 20 and more than 1000 citations. She has the recipient of Research Excellence of the Year 2020, Youth Education Icon of the Year 2018, Young Scientist Award, Best Administrative Service Award, IDMAG.P. Nair award and Prof. C.S. Chauhan award, Bio Asia Innovation Award – 2012, Grace India awards. She has also filed the PCT patent for effective wound healing therapy.

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