Journal of Agricultural Science and Botany

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Bioenergy agriculture and importance: A review

Joint Event on International Conference on Plant Science & Natural Products,Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicines
November 15-16, 2018 | Paris, France

Gul Ebru Orhun

Vocational College Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Plant science & Natural Medicine

DOI: 10.4066/2591-7897-C1-003


Bioenergy plants are a popular feedstock for ethanol production in the world due to its abundance and relative ease of conversion to ethyl alcohol (ethanol) such as corn. Corn and other high-starch grains have been converted into ethanol for thousands of years, yet only in the past century has its use as fuel greatly expanded. Conversion includes grinding, cooking with enzymes, fermentation with yeast, and distillation to remove water. The production and consumption of increasingly large amounts of energy are sustaining the U.S. modern standard of living and across the world. This plants are important for bioenergy and economy. Bioenergy is a broad classification of energy production methods which utilize the physical and chemical properties of biomass - renewable plantderived organic matter. For example, while maize cobs have been used on a small scale as a fuel for direct combustion in cooking and heating, their use as feedstock for large-scale energy production is a more modern concept. The large-scale use of maize cobs presents new challenges and issues to consider: production rates must be estimated: harvesting, handling and storing methods should to be developed: effects of maize cob removal on soil composition and productivity should be assessed: and energy conversion methods should be optimized. At the same time this industry is important for economic growth. The use of bioenergy can lead to higher economic growth across the world. This paper summarizes research done about bioenergy plants and economy as literature review and addresses the above issues in order to discuss the suitability and diversity of energy plants in the bioenergy industry. So, we have examined importance of bioenergy plants and statement and advance of bioenergy industry in the world in this study



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