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Arsha Vidya program for preventing drug abuse among disadvantaged children in urban slums

6th International Conference on Brain Disorders and Therapeutics
July 01-02, 2019 | Paris, France

Rajubhai P Odedra, Buddhatmananda Saraswati and Divya Gaur

NMP Medical Research Institute, India Arsha Vidya Study Centre, India United Research International, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Brain Neurol


Substance abuse remain critical problems in both developed and developing countries. Under privileged communities where health and economic system is weakest, use of drugs and illicit substances starts during adolescence and young adulthood. This not just affect physical development, mental health and social integration, but also family formation and stability, deviant behavior, sexual behavior and involvement, educational pursuits, livelihood pursuits. Therefore, emphasizes the need for preventive education at this impressionable age. Present study was part of Global Research Initiative of Arshavidya where adolescents with substance abuse were recruited from community centers and primary care. All participants underwent 18-weeks of Arshavidya intervention program, An unique well-planned teaching program developed to educate Indian cultural values & heritage to young children and adults with yoga, chants, religious and spiritual practices through stories, group activities and plays. After the program impact which were reported in intervention group compared to waitlist control were significant in overall well-being, Percent days abstinent of tobacco, alcohol and drugs and withdrawal symptoms. Community program with integrated approach could be helpful taking young children off to drug and substance abuse. Further long-term results are needed.


Rajubhai Popat Odedra has been working on Global Research Initiative of Arsha Vidya to support young children and adolescents through community interventions. He has been part of collaborative multicentric research program and has been invited to international meetings and conferences to share the outcome. 


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