Journal of Pain Management and Therapy

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Aromatherapy and the Psychology of Pain

4th International Conference on Alternative Medicine
July 15, 2022 | Webinar

Sunita Teckchand

International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA) | UAE

Keynote : J Pain Manage Ther


‘Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage’ - according to the international association for the study of pain Pain as we commonly understand it as just a physical factor, yet in reality, it has biological, emotional, and psychological factors. Pain is underestimated - it plays an important role in alerting us that something is wrong in that area. Almost everyone has experienced pain, the most important thing to consider is that everyone’s experience of “the same pain” is different. From the holistic perspective, disease is manifested from thought and emotion. Mood, emotion, state of mind and our personal narrative directly affect how one experiences pain. Therefore, treating the biological symptom of pain only leaves the emotional and psychological factors that are primarily the real cause unresolved. Aromatherapy has a direct impact on the limbic system. There is a lot of research out there to prove that essential oils have a positive, calming, balancing and analgesic effect on the human mind, body, and soul. Throughout her career she has treated many people with different forms of pain, and the biggest learning outcome she received was that every pain in the body is caused by an emotion. Hence, she had to change her perception and rethink on how to treat that emotion which is causing pain. Sunita will share some of the formulations and essential oils she has used to tackle physical pains, however she will also bring in the emotions that are sealed with that pain to make this a very interesting discussion.
Recent Publications:
1. Cooke, B; Ernst, E, Aromatherapy: a systematic review,2000-06-01,
2. Forrester, Lene Thorgrimsen; Maayan, Nicola; Orrell, Martin; Spector, Aimee E; Buchan, Louise D; Soares-Weiser, Karla, Aromatherapy for dementia, 2014-02-25,
3. Damiana Scuteri, Efficacy of Essential Oils in Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Preclinical Evidence, 2021, https://


Sunita Teckchand completed her clinical aromatherapy education in 1998 from Hong Kong, and presently lives and works in Dubai, UAE. She is the owner and principal tutor of ‘The Holistic Alternatives’, where she teaches the IFPA accredited program on a digital platform. She also markets her own brand of organic essential oils - ‘eSSensuals’. She has personally tutored and mentored students that have graduated on to become successful therapeutic massage practitioners and clinical aromatherapists. She has been interviewed on radio, television and in magazines. She has also published several articles. She currently is an external examiner, a trustee and continues to be a board member of the IFPA since 2019.

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