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Animal Modelling Advances

15th International Conference on DRUG DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT
December 09, 2021

Utkarsh Uttamrao Bhamare

Ahinsa Institute of Pharmacy College, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Pharmacol Ther Res


Animal models have provided an important tool to help make the decision to take potential therapies from preclinical studies to humans. The use of animal models in research resulted in the advancement of knowledge for how diseases affect animals and humans. Comparative medicine is founded on the concept that other animal species share physiological, behavioural, or other characteristics with humans. There are wide variety of animal models used in drug discovery including, but not limited to Drosophila, C. elegans, mice, rats, rabbits, dogs, cats, hamsters, and non-human primates. Over the past century these and other species have been used to advance our knowledge of disease, to test new drugs, and to assure their safety before moving into the clinical phase with human subjects. Animal models are a foundational tool for scientists studying basic biological processes, disease pathogenesis and toxicologic research. Animals have been used for screening for drugs, in bioassay and for preclinical testing. They also essential feature of vaccine design toolkit. Large animals such as pigs have become increasingly studied for their immune response. Guinea pig used to evaluate bronchodilators. The use of horses as a useful model to study the spontaneous occurrence and lung remodelling of asthma in humans. The use of these models not only advances research in human diseases but also improves the health of companion and food production animals.


Utkarsh U Bhamare is studying Pharmacy (medicine studies). He is in final year of B. Pharmacy at Ahinsa Institute of Pharmacy College. He has published 2 Articles in “Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry”. He received an award from his college for being a “Best Journal of the year”. His interest in Pharmacy began as a teenager. He has quick adaptability to emerging technology. He always ready to learn the new development or advancement in drug. He has excellent organizational planning and coordination skills and always ready to accept challenges.

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