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A simple approach to clarify ambiguous genitalia in the neonate

Joint Event on International Conference and Exhibition on Probiotics, Nutrition and Functional Foods & 17th World Congress on Pediatrics and Nutrition
July 05-06, 2019 | Paris, France

Abeer Mohieldin Saleh

International Medical Center Hospital, Egypt

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Pub Heath Catalog


Ambiguous genitalia and how to simply clarify it. When a baby is born and it is difficult to determine whether it is a boy or a girl, then it is said that the baby has ambiguous genitalia. It is a traumatizing information to the parents, and it should be dealt with in a very delicate manner. It could signify a life threatening condition that’s why it is crucial to determine the etiology as soon as possible and start a plan of management. The formation of a typical female or male external genitalia results from a series of genetic and physiological events starting with sex determination and progressing through differentiation of the internal and external sexual organs. Failure of determination and differentiation in the usual manner can result in what is called disorder of sex development. We will try to go through causes and management and ways to simply understand and deal with it.


Abeer Mohieldin Saleh graduated from faculty of medicine Ain Shams university Cairo, Egypt and had her Master's degree from the same university. She worked in many hospitals as a pediatric specialist till she started studying hospital management in the American university in Cairo and worked as a medical manager in Nasser Institute, one of the biggest tertiary hospitals in Egypt. She then travelled to the UK where she had her MRCPH and worked as a pediatrician. Now she works as a pediatric consultant in the International medical center hospital one of the top tertiary hospital in Egypt and in Nasser institute hospital where she participated in many conferences and educational programmes.


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