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International Conference on ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
November 21-22 , 2018 | Madrid , Spain

Chelsea Spackman

Middlesex University, UK

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : J Chem Tech App


The primary objective of this publication was to provide a systematic review of the literature on the relationship between CD and obesity. Further, the reviewer had the purpose of conducting an investigation on this correlation, ranging from paediatrics to adults, in specific areas such as the mechanism of the two conditions and the nutritional interventions. The mechanism review involved finding any pathogenic and pathophysiological link between the two conditions and investigating the possible association in clinical evidence and manifestations and of the symptoms. As a result, the present research was designed to establish a paper that can effectively inform not only the public but health care providers, concerning the importance of proper and time-sensitive diagnosis. In order to achieve these objectives, the researcher conducted desk-based research, which involved a comprehensive review of numerous journal articles drawn from various publishers. The search strategy involved the use of both internal and external secondary sources of information. Moreover, the search strategy also considered the mechanistic pathology, functional physiology, and human intervention. The key findings indicated that CD and overweight/obesity present together, and that this should be taken into account both in diagnosis by medical professionals, and in the design of nutritional interventions as a GFD diet is associated with weight gain, and this is probably a result of poor GFD protocols that rely on replacement foods rather than a healthy, individualised diet. Conclusively, it was important to establish a link between obesity and CD based on the clinical implications of the findings, as well as the general health care field; where the present paper points out the proper diagnosis of both conditions, whether the symptoms are atypical or not. Hence, it was important to provide a precise nutritional intervention for future patients, which may involve an introduction of a GFD before diagnosis, and strict follow-up and education for the patients on the importance of this intervention.


Chelsea Spackman completed her MSc at Middlesex University in the UK. She has been published once, and continues working on new research and articles, whilst seeing clients and maintaining her own business in Toronto, Canada.


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