Journal of Mental Health and Aging

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Maxine Lewis Author

The patients and healthcare professionals perceptions of an innovative telehealth system designed for community-based older adults with depressive symptoms

Associate Professor, Psychiatry & Behaivoural Neurosciences Clinical Head, Geriatric Psychiatry, St. Joseph's Healthcare, Canada


Dr. Lewis has held a position with St. Joseph’s Hospital and McMaster University since 2004. She completed her undergraduate medical degree at the Welsh National School of Medicine, Cardiff, U.K. in 1989. She completed her training in Psychiatry and obtained her subspecialty certification in Geriatric Psychiatry at Leeds University in 2001, followed by a Master's degree in Clinical Psychiatry from the University of Leeds in 1996. After working as a consultant psychiatrist in Leeds and Birmingham, U.K. Dr. Lewis immigrated to Canada in 2004.

Subjects of specialization: Psychiatry, Healthcare, Nursing Practice, Osteoarthritis

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