Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing

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Mini Review - Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing (2023) Volume 6, Issue 3

Preparing Nurses for the Digital Era: Integrating Technology in Nursing Education

Sharp Oldenmenger*

Department of Nursing, Umea University, Umea, Sweden

*Corresponding Author:
Sharp Oldenmenger
Department of Nursing
Umea University, Umea, Sweden

Received: 17-May-2023, Manuscript No. AAICCN-23-104218; Editor assigned: 19-May-2023, PreQC No. AAICCN-23-104218 (PQ); Reviewed: 1-Jun-2023, QC No. AAICCN-23-104218; Revised: 3-Jun-2023, Manuscript No. AAICCN-23-104218(R); Published: 12-Jun-2023, DOI:10.35841/aaiccn-6.3.151

Citation: Oldenmenger S. Preparing nurses for the digital era: Integrating technology in nursing education. J Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2023;6(3):151

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To investigate the leadership of nurses by addressing the factors that nurse supervisors and employees perceive as significant, as well as staff members' perceptions of their nurse manager's performance in the field. Activities taken by nurse supervisors have a significant impact on nurses' overall independence as well as their decision-making authority regarding patient care and unit operations. Friendly administration, higher education, and work experience have been identified as three key factors that would boost nursing employ autonomy. Autocratic management, doctors, and busyness were identified as the primary variables that reduced caregivers' independence. Nursing supervisors ought to encourage caregivers to have greater authority regarding judgments regarding patient care and unit activities. According to this, training for nurses has a place in preregistration with the programs, along with manager ongoing learning. Further investigation is investigate the difficulties nursing staff have when exercising autonomous judgments, along with ways to encourage clinicians' involvement in managerial choices for the entire unit. If they could find another job, more than three quarters of physicians said they were thinking about quitting their jobs in hospitals. The likelihood of nurses leaving their jobs was strongly correlated with increased stress related to work.

Difficult and extremely dangerous career is in healthcare

Sources of occupational stress among nurses involve being in charge of patient results, the difficulty of treating diseases, the ambiguity surrounding patient care, the spread of diseases from patients, and coping with bereavement and the terminally ill. The connection between workplace stress and Results from staff members is tempered by personal and societal influences [1]. Other stressors involve not enough money, a wage, the absence of the ability to regulate one's workload, an imbalance between power and accountability, a shortage of social support, job insecurity, limited prospects for growth, and poor management practices. To better understand the use of ethics in nurse administration, particularly in relation to problem-solving, further research is needed [2].

For managerial people, it's also critical to keep learning about morality and adopting new rules. When tackling challenges with hiring and keeping talent, administrators must be aware of the underlying values and motivators of caregivers. The 'want to care' must be preserved. Therefore, approaches must be taken into account at the two organizational and sectional stages. By focusing on the assets necessary to establish a healthcare environment that balancing security, superiority, and empathy in healthcare and what that entails would be a reasonable place to start on the pathway towards healthcare perfection [3].

One of the greatest shortages of nurses on record is currently affecting the healthcare sector. a sufficient number of nurses Nurse supervisors are crucial in developing the healthcare facility while setting an example for nurse staff members. As the experiences and knowledge of each generation in the nursing environment generate an atmosphere of recognition and balance, assisting in the maintenance of nurses and the recognition of chronological variation in employment, there is a wider capacity for practice [4].

In terms of job stress and breadth of management, hospitals and the highest-ranking executives should be obligated to assist those on the front lines. Leaders have to manage their jobs and personal lives. The management abilities of nurses in management need to be continuously improved in order to become all-around leaders who value individuals and have issues with earnings but are capable of adapting to change. A number of the more significant developments in healthcare over the past ten years have involved the development of a problem-solving strategy. In order to save healthcare costs while improving treatment quality, nurse managers must possess excellent leadership and negotiation skills. The gradual effects of leadership at the top have positive implications for organizational and unit-based outcomes for intensive care healthcare staff. The closeness of the unit-based nurse manager to the individual's care job and daily management, nevertheless, interferes with this exchange of information. The management approaches of nurse supervisors are thought to play a significant role in determining how happy and engaged physicians are while they work [5].


Examining the impact of nurse’s supervisors' leadership styles on their staff results has become crucial in the aftermath of the worldwide staffing shortage, rising medical expenses, and increased workload. Due to a lack of nurses, management must prioritize employee nurse recruitment. Recognizing the link among healthcare supervisors' resolution of disputes philosophies and intention to continue, a simple way to keep nurses in the workforce is to provide employees with nurses.


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