Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing

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Rapid Communication - Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing (2023) Volume 6, Issue 1

Missed Nursing Care and the Predictors in Saudi Arabia and its importance

Rania Falk*

National School of Nursing and Obstetrics (ENEO), National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico

*Corresponding Author:
Rania Falk
National School of Nursing and Obstetrics (ENEO),
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico,

Received:30-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. AAICCN-23-89605; Editor assigned: 1-Feb-2023, PreQC No. AAICCN-23-89605(PQ); Reviewed:13-Feb-2023, QC No. AAICCN-23-89604; Revised: 15-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. AAICCN-23-89605 (R); Published:22-Feb-2023, DOI: 10.35841/aaiccn-6.1.133

Citation: Rania Falk, National School of Nursing and Obstetrics (ENEO), National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico.

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Optimum care and safe practice is the core ideal of all healthcare associations. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines patient safety as the forestallment or mitigation of crimes and damages to cases associated with the provision of health care. The Institution of Medicine encourages surveillance and reporting of crimes in healthcare, with several enterprise, to measure and alleviate crimes. These crimes are classified into two major types crimes of the commission as a result of the wrong action taken and crimes of elision as a result of conduct not taken or missed. Nursers play a pivotal part in conserving patient safety, considering that they constitute the largest portion of healthcare providers. They also play an active part in detecting and precluding crimes. Likewise, the holistic merit of nursing practice demands direct commerce and intervention with cases.


Nursing Care, Predictors.


Nursing work was not only strenuous due to wearing warm protective equipment, but also by long work hours and increased stress levels over time. Generally, symptoms of anxiety, depression, and insomnia among hospital staff rose The pandemic took its toll on many patients who could not get timely and proper treatment. Not only caring for patients with COVID-19 put an extra hardship on nurses, but also experiencing barriers for other patients increased the pressure on nurses.

Nurses’ being innovative to include families in care

This complex and violent nature of nursing practice make nursers prone to committing unintentional crimes, and as a result of time constraint and inadequate force and coffers, they frequently have to purposely prioritize some conditioning over others. Missed nursing care is an elision error wherein some aspects of needed nursing care are incompletely or completely delayed or unfulfilled. It occurs in all societies and countries and is an important index of nursing care quality and patient safety [1].

This miracle has several names that are used interchangeably. Among them are missed nursing care, implicitly allotted care and nursing care left undone. Nonetheless, all of them denote the elision or detention of corridor of nursing care. A colonist qualitative study canvassed nursers to determine the frequence and reasons behind missed nursing care and reported the following nine major rudiments of nursing care that are generally missed ambulation, position change, feeding, patient tutoring, discharge planning, emotional support, hygiene, input, and affair attestation still, factors associated with missed nursing care still remain inadequately explored. Ausserhofer reported that the frequence of missed nursing care is easily associated with both the nursing work terrain and the nanny - to- case rate. Working under pressure with time and resource restrictions leads nursers to commit crimes of elision and neglect of care Kalisch enumerated different reasons behind missed nursing care; among them are staffing inadequacy, time restriction, poor delegation, and inadequate material coffers [2].

In 2021, Al- Fauri explored the types and reasons for missed nursing care among Jordanian nursers and inferred that shy force is the most frequent cause of missed nursing care and that a low nursing staffing rate is associated with high missed nursing care. likewise, Alsubhi conducted an expansive review to identify factors associated with missed nursing care and nursers’ freely development; they set up that missed nursing care is largely current in numerous countries and is linked to negative patient issues, poor nursing satisfaction, and a high tendency for development [3].

Also, missed nursing care has mischievous consequences for both cases and healthcare associations, and it's associated with poor nursing care, job dissatisfaction, absenteeism, poor retention, and staff morale. Most importantly, it has a negative effect on patient safety. It leads to increased length of sanitarium stay, undesirable complications(e.g., bed blisters, falls, and sanitarium- acquired infection), ineffective pain operation, malnourishment, and high mortality. In Saudi Arabia, many studies explored missed nursing care and substantially concentrated on its relationship with the practice terrain and safety. To the stylish of our knowledge missed nursing care and its predictors in Saudi Arabia haven't yet been delved . Hence, this study aimed to explore the most common types and reasons behind missed nursing care and its predictors in a unique transnational nursing pool in Saudi Arabia. Missed nursing care is a multifaceted miracle that has a direct impact on cases health issues [4].


These results suggest that the system of care in sanitarium units, where admissions and discharges and perceptivity oscillations are the regular eclipse and inflow of the unit work, isn't responsive to workload volume. Although the Saudi Ministry of Health and Saudi Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions laid out safe staffing “ nanny to patient rates ” norms in its installations, the public nursing deficit hinders achieving these norms that led nursers to an inordinate workload which is considered as a significant reason for missed nursing care. Thus, nursers prioritize their cases according to their perceptivity position, and critical cases generally admit the utmost attention compared with those who are less critical.


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