Journal of Dermatology Research and Skin Care

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Research Article - Journal of Dermatology Research and Skin Care (2023) Volume 7, Issue 3

Positive effects of Nourkrin® Woman with Marilex® on hair growth and appearance leads to a high level of patient satisfaction-A Clinical study on women with diffuse hair loss from the Arabian countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Proteoglycan replacement therapy (PRT) is an emerging anti hair loss treatment that utilises a targeted complex of bioactive proteoglycans (Marilex®) to stimulate anagen and maintain active growth in affected hair follicles with Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL) and Telogen Effluvium (TE). Nourkrin® with Marilex® increases the concentration of follicular proteoglycans and thereby prevents and treats hair loss and miniaturisation caused by Proteoglycan Follicular Atrophy (PFA). PFA is known to be a key pathology behind diffuse hair loss. The current study aimed to evaluate the treatment satisfaction rate of PRT with Nourkrin® in female patients residing in the Arab countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. 108 female individuals with diffuse hair loss (average age = 34.31 years) were enrolled into a longitudinal cohort study. The participants voluntarily started a 6-month course of monotherapy with Nourkrin® Woman (600 mg Marilex® per day) and were monitored every 3 months using a semi-structured questionnaire. Enrolment and follow-ups were carried out in collaboration with the World Hair Council. 84% of volunteers were presented with moderate to severe diffuse hair loss of whom more than half had not received medical treatment before. 84.26% and 68.52% of subjects reported improvements in their hair growth and appearance, and 86.11% felt more confident with their hair after 3 months of using Nourkrin® Woman. Patient satisfaction rate was at 89.81% at study mid-point. Out of the 101 participants who had finished the study, 95.05% found their hair growth and appearance improved, which also enhanced their self-confidence. Continuing Nourkrin® therapy for 6 months enhanced treatment satisfaction rate by 8%, denoting the importance of time in achieving optimal clinical results. Overall, our findings confirm that PRT with Nourkrin® is effective in improving both hair growth and appearance as reported by hair loss patients. Nourkrin® efficacy and satisfaction rate was comparable with the previously studied European and Latin American populations.

Author(s): Jan Wadstein*, Fahad Abdulaziz Almutawa, Haitham Al-Ramal.

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