Journal of Medical Oncology and Therapeutics

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The role of social youth Entrepreneurship in Oncology Nursing and Cancer Care

16th International Conference on Oncology Nursing and Cancer Care
April 15-16, 2019 | Frankfurt, Germany

Kennedy Kwuelum

Nexus Exchange, UK

Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Med Oncl Ther


Learning Objectives:

• Present young people's cancer statistics

•Discuss the role of social youth entrepreneurship in caring, supporting cancer care and combating cancer in young people

•Access to funding for youth led projects in the area of oncology and cancer care

• Pathways to accessing cancer education and careers in Oncology.

Driven by both the urgency in finding the end to cancer and the competition in qualitative and effective cancer care provisioning, while adhering to regulatory requirements, health organisations, medical professionals, pharmaceutical companies and cancer research institutes are employing more innovative approaches in cancer diagnosis, provision of therapies and obtaining insights into clinical trials’ feasibilities. In this presentation, we will demonstrate and recommend how the medical and health organisations can collaborate with social youth enterprise companies in a unique, dynamic partnership with experienced young professionals to deliver holistic and innovative cancer care and interventions among young cancer sufferers. We will explore the challenges in developing and implementing these oncology solutions and present practical examples of its effectiveness, values and sustainability as measured against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.



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