Journal of Dermatology Research and Skin Care

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The impact of COVID 19 on the health of patients with different skin problems near the "Gentiana -Grelorgen" ambulance in Pristina

April 22, 2022 | Webinar

Ylfete A. Shatri-Mucaj

University Clinical Center of Prishtina, Kosova

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Dermatol Res Skin Care


Considering that specialist ambulance "GENTIANA-GRELORGEN" is managed from a Clinical Pharmacologist and an experienced Dermato-venerologist -Dr. Ylfete Shatri - Muçaj, as well as the collaborating staff, we have enough patients of different diagnosis, both systemic and skin located problems that have been treated under our care. Based on the two year period of the pandemic with COVID 19 and the most different common reasons of the visit of patients near our ambulance, I was too curious and fervent on doing this research. Total number of patients included in this research was 350 patients, of different age group, of two genders and with various skin diseases, both with different and similar etiology. From this total number, 250 have been vaccinated with the anti Covid 19 vaccine and 100 have been not. Most of the patients had different problems, symptoms and diagnose, but based on the anamnesis they generally were with similar etiology, but more dominated those with viral etiology, followed by patients with combined etiology such as viral and other bacterial , fungal and parasitic super infections. The Covid 19 pandemic has negatively affected the condition of the patients who have come for treatment in our clinic. Most patients with the above diagnoses have had repetitions of illnessand more deterioration of the clinical condition than usual. Kidney problems up to renal insufficiency (some of the patients claim that they never have had kidney problems before), but after vaccination state it's deteriorated. Frequently were also the problems with thyroid gland, hypovitaminosis D; spontaneous abortions (usually around week 8), missed abortions; display of polyps in intestine , cervix , nose and uterus etc. First the main idea is to point out that greater deteriorations have had the patient whose serological viral analysis were positive in two fractions IgG and IgM, or only in IgG fraction (e.g. CMV 500; EBV> 400, Rubella, HSV1; HSV2). Second, during this research I have noticed that Rubella, CMV and EBV have resulted positive more often in two fractions (IgG and IgM). Eg. in two children of age 5 with diagnosis Alopecia totalis has resulted Rubella and CMV positive in of two fractions, and have had mesenterial lymphadenopathy based on abdomen ultrasound. The corona virus has triggered the activation of other viruses that have been in latent state. Usually, the organism is acclimated to certain values of antibodies of different viruses, but when the reactivation or reinfection with viruses or other microorganisms happens, and the immune system is compromised ,than certain values of antibodies slightly of increase ( eg. CMV, EBV, Rubella, HSV1 and 2, Sars Cov 2 -), organism reacts with deteriorations in skin, allergies and more serious systemic problems; Finally, in the full research there will be exact numbers of patients divided on age, skin diseases, and all diagnoses above, as well as both local and systemic treatment that I practiced to improve their health condition. The main idea, is to make an impact and to create a protocol for viral infections, their treatment and also to get done the triage of the people who can and who can not take the vaccine based on the laboratory analysis done prior the vaccination. As we all know one of the main laws of medicine is “ Primum non nocere”- “ First, do no harm”. Recent Publications 1. Yan Y, Chen H, Chen L, et al. Consensus of Chinese experts on protection of skin and mucous membrane barrier for healthcare workers fighting against coronavirus disease 2019. Dermatol Ther. March 2020. 2. Tao J, Song Z, Yang L, Huang C, Feng A, Man X. Emergency management for preventing and controlling nosocomial infection of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications for the dermatology department. Br J Dermatol. March 2020. 3. Elston DM. Letter from the editor: occupational skin disease among healthcare workers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic. J Am Acad Dermatol. March 2020.8.


Ylfete A. Shatri-Muçaj is a dermato-venerologist and clinical pharmacology specialist. She finished post-graduation and specialization studies in the University of Novi Sad. Currently, she works in UCC in Prishtina from 1981; as a specialist of clinical pharmacology she has treated for 4 years patients ëith chemotherapy near Internal Clinic – Department of Hematology in UCC.

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