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The efficacy and health economics of different treatments for Type 1 Cesarean Scar Pregnancy

8th International Conference GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS
April 27-28, 2023 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Feng Qi

Zhejiang University, China

Scientific Tracks Abstracts : Res Rep Gynecol Obstet


Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy and health economics of four treatments for Type 1 Cesarean Scar Pregnancy (CSP). Methods: From January 2009 to December 2018, 326 patients diagnosed with type 1 CSP were examined, among whom 31 received ultrasound-guided local injection of methotrexate (local injection group), 160 patients received uterine artery embolization combined with suction aspiration (UAE group), 25 patients received ultrasound-guided suction aspiration (aspiration group) and 90 received ultrasound-guided local injection of lauromacrogol combined with suction aspiration (lauromacrogol group). Clinical data and outcomes were analyzed. The decision tree model was used to compare the economics of four treatments. Results: The success rate of the local injection group was 71.0% (22/31), which was significantly different from 98.8% (158/160) of the UAE group and 100.0% (90/90) of the lauromacrogol group. The success rate of the aspiration group was 92.0% (23/25), which was significantly lower than that of the lauromacrogol group. The cost-effectiveness ratio was 1,876.53 yuan for the aspiration group, 2,164.63 yuan for the lauromacrogol group, 4,383.56 yuan for the local injection group, and 7,850.81 yuan for the UAE group. The Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) of the lauromacrogol group to the aspiration group was 5,477.75 yuan, indicating that if the willing to pay of patients was higher than 5477.75 yuan, the lauromacrogol group had a cost- effectiveness advantage in treating Type 1 CSP, compared to aspiration group. On the contrary, aspiration group has a higher cost-effectiveness advantage. The ICER of the lauromacrogol group to the local injection group or the UAE group was both less than 0, indicating that local injection group and UAE group was not cost-effective in the treatment of Type 1 CSP. Conclusions: For Type 1 CSP, the ultrasound-guided local injection of lauromacrogol combined with suction aspiration and ultrasound-guided suction aspiration, are effective and economical, and the choice between the two can be based on the patient’s willing to pay. Recent publications 1. Zhou W, Feng X, Yu J, Chai Z, Zheng L, Qi F(Corresponding Author). The efficacy of different treatments for Type 2 Cesarean Scar Pregnancy. Fertil Steril 2022, 118(2): 407-413. 2. Hong T, Chai Z, Liu M, Zheng L, Qi F (Corresponding Author). The Efficacy and Health Economics of Different Treatments for Type 1 Cesarean Scar Pregnancy. Front Pharmacol, 2022, 13: 822319. 3. Qi F, Chai ZY, Liu MM, Zheng LZ, Zhu Y, Chen ZW, Lv WG. Type 2 Cesarean Scar Pregnancy Successfully Treated via Hysteroscopy- Assisted Laparoscopy. J Minim Invasive Gynecol, 2019, 26(7): 1273–1281.


Feng Qi, Doctor of Zhejiang University, Chief Gynecologist of Enze Medical Center, excellent employee of Enze Medical Center, excellent training object of Qinglan Talent Training Project of Enze Medical Center, the first top ten outstanding young physicians of Enze Medical Center, 211 talents of Taizhou City, excellent teacher of Wenzhou Medical University, young member of gynecological tumor professional committee of Zhejiang Anti-Cancer Association. He had visited and studied at the Asian Hysteroscopy Center in Beijing and the Royal Free Hospital in London. He focuses on minimally invasive uterine laparoscopic surgery to preserve fertility function, and was the champion of the 14th Standardized endometriosis Surgery Video Contest of Zhejiang Station.

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